
Carbetocin Injection
【Drug name】

Generic name:Carbetocin Injection

English name:Carbetocin Injection

Pinyin:Kabeisuogongsu Zhusheye


Main ingredients:The active ingredient of this product is capectin, the supplementary material is sodium chloride, glacial acetic acid, water for injection.

Chemical name:

Molecular formula:C43H67N11O12S2·nC2H4O2

molecular weight: 988.1



This product is a clear colorless liquid


Capectin is used for elective epidural or lumbar anesthesia after cesarean section to prevent uterine weakness and postpartum bleeding.

No studies have been conducted on the use of carbendine in emergency caesarean sections, classic caesarean sections, or other caesarean sections under epidural or spinal anesthesia or in women with a history of significant heart disease, hypertension, known clotting disorders, or liver, kidney, and endocrine disorders (excluding gestational diabetes). Treatment with capectin after vaginal delivery has not been properly studied and the dose has not been determined.

Related information

【 taboo 】

Capectin ACTS over time relative to oxytocin, and the resulting contractions cannot simply be stopped by stopping the drug. Therefore, before pregnancy and delivery of the baby, capectin cannot be given for any reason, including selective or drug-induced production. During pregnancy does not properly use card bei oxytocin, can appear similar to the symptoms of a glut of oxytocin in theory, including the uterus after over stimulate the (high) with strong and sustained contraction (tonic), labor unrest, uterine rupture, cervical and vaginal tearing, reduce postpartum hemorrhage, uterine - placental perfusion and various cardiac slowing down, lack of oxygen to the fetus, hypercapnia, and even death.

Capectin should not be used in patients with allergies to oxytocin and capectin.

Capectin should not be used in patients with vascular disease, especially coronary artery disease, and should be used with great caution.

Capectin should not be used in children.

[matters needing attention]


Capectin is prohibited during pregnancy and before delivery of the baby (see contraindication). See the warning signs for further oxytocin treatment.

Capectin is not recommended for older patients.


Single-dose injections of capectin may not produce enough uterine contractions in some patients. For these patients, capectin cannot be given repeatedly, but further treatment with additional doses of other uterine contractile drugs such as oxytocin or ergoxin is permitted. In cases of persistent bleeding, retention of placental debris, clotting disease, or damage to the birth canal need to be excluded.

Although no cases of partial placental retention or placental interception have been reported, in theory, this can occur if cabectin is given before delivery of the placenta.